Monthly Archives: October 2014

silly kids

NayNay and the corn maze

It was HOT when NayNay came to visit last week. Honestly, it didn’t feel much like Fall at all. But we didn’t let that stop us from a very sunny and sweaty visit to the corn maze at Ottawa Farms!


This girl

Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning,
and I find myself careening,

into places where I should not let me go.
She has the power to go where no one else can find me,
yes and to silently remind me,
of the happiness and good times that I know.
~ James Taylor

Picnic season and every day life

September has slipped away and autumn is officially here. The weather has cooled slightly and October’s bright blue skies are shining on us. The past few weeks have seen several picnics in several parks – first for Jazz Fest, then the Ardsley concert series, and finally the big to-do of Savannah’s official Picnic in the Park.  All included great music and friends. I adore picnic season!

In between all that picnicking we have just been going about our every day, zany life. There have been birthday parties (for friends and for dogs), baby showers and bungee trampoline jumping, dining room ping pong, go carts, skee ball and root beer floats after school. It all passes in such a rush, it’s easy to think of it as just routine. But when you stop and really look at it, our every day life is pretty extraordinary. I’m so happy I get to share it with these amazing people.

To quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”