Monthly Archives: February 2012

practice every day you eat

And he actually does, without much prompting or arguing. I’m amazed at the improvement Fletcher has made in such a short period of time. He has, for the moment, stopped attending lessons as school in favor of a private teacher – the school lessons were both too easy and too early in the morning! His first big concert with the orchestra is coming up in less than a week now, and I can not wait to see him all dressed up and on that big stage.

Cooking with Camille

Lola Gray’s sweet friend Camille has the most adorable cooking show ever, and yesterday Lo made a guest appearance! Check her out!

dusting off

It has been a long time since I took any ‘real’ photos it seems. That is both the beauty and the curse of the iPhone I guess. But something about the glorious weather we have had this week made me itch to pull out big guns again. Here are a few photos from Tuesday – enjoy!


Georgia Day Parade

I had totally forgotten about the Georgia Day Parade, and the fact that I promised to make Fletcher an Indian costume, until he mentioned it at breakfast on Thursday. It could have been worse, but with a lot going on Thursday I was not able to pull together the fabulous costume I had hoped for. I realized later, looking at the photos, that he may have come out looking more like a hippy than a Native American. Oh well. He was still the cutest kid in the parade.


No more training wheels for this girl!

She was riding in circles and hot-dogging all over the place within minutes, all the while with a grin stretched fully ear to ear!

Punxsutawney who?

That old groundhog can say what he will. Six more weeks of winter doesn’t seem so bad when winter looks like this!

Knock Knock

I meant to post this on the 31st for NayNay’s birthday, but some how the time got away from me. Last month Aunt Boo sent Fletcher an e-card for his birthday with an animated knock knock joke that went something like this:

“Knock knock”

“Who’s there?”


“Señor who?”

“Señor underpants when you bent over to blow out the candles!”

And then the characters laugh and congratulate each other on how funny that was. F & LG think it is hysterical, and have been doing the joke to each other for weeks. They made their own version for NayNay. Enjoy! And happy birthday NayNay!!


I had a to-do list a mile long, as I do on most Tuesdays. It always seems my days “off” from work are busier than the days when I am teaching. But yesterday, I hardly marked anything off my list at all.

Instead, I took a long walk with my children. I visited with my friends at the park while our kids played. And when we came home, we decided we needed to play some more, chatting with neighbors, riding bikes and scooters and skateboards until well after dark. And after dinner, when we should have been rushing upstairs to bed or cleaning up the dishes, we sat instead in the livingroom and listened to Fletcher practice violin and Lola Gray read books to her baby doll. I am amazed by both of them.

It seems like so much of life is rush, rush, rush these days when really what makes us happy are long, lazy afternoons with friends and long, lazy evenings at home.