Monthly Archives: September 2009

What is this??

Does anyone know what this is on my tree? Seems to be some sort of web . . . I’m just hoping it won’t harm the tree in any way.

Some days are like this

Some days are like this: quiet and orderly and full of light. Not many days . . . but some . . .

Save our state parks

Today we visited Wormsloe to show our support for Georgia’s Save My State Parks & Historic Sites day. It was the first time I had picked up the camera in a week, and though the visit was short and I didn’t get many shots . . . it felt good.


Can I just please tell you how much I love weekends? And I really needed one this week – seems like everything has felt rushed and hectic, and poor Fletcher has been ill so much . . . but this weekend was just what the doctor ordered.

We started with the opening of the Four Square exhibition at the University of North Florida gallery. All the girls brought their children, so it was a rambunctious group and far from the typical gallery opening. And I loved that. OK, I got a little upset when they almost knocked over the entire table of food . . . and someone threw a toy car that hit the father of one of my SCAD students in the head . . . that wasn’t so great. But the kids are what the exhibition was all about. It made sense to have them there. And I was glad for them to see the product of my effort, to see me, at least in some small way, as an artist as well as a mother.

We decided at the last minute to spend the night in Jacksonville. Raymond’s faculty exhibition opened at the Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art on Thursday night, but because of school the kids and I were unable to attend the opening. I wanted to see the show, and I wanted the kids to see Daddy’s paintings of them hanging in a museum. They thought it was cool, but were much more impressed by the kids area than the faculty exhibition. Lola Gray found a few pieces she really liked in the show though. She has an eye . . . I’m not sure where it will lead her – or if I want it to lead her anywhere! – but it is interesting to see the things to which she responds.

After the museum we had to sneak in a visit to the Jacksonville Zoo. We went a few years back and have been saying ever since that we wanted to return. I’m so glad we were finally able to do it! This time the kids were able to feed the giraffes, which was an incredible experience in itself! It is amazing just how tall those creatures are, and their long tongues reaching out to grab the leaves are just bizarre.

The giraffes were Fletcher’s favorite. Lola Gray loves elephants. They both loved riding on the carousel and the train. For me, I think the most interesting thing I saw were the koi. I honestly don’t think I have ever seen such a range of colors and patterns – stunning!

It was a beautiful day, but blazing hot, and I think we were all thankful for the air conditioning when we got in the car to head home. Tomorrow it is back to work and school . . . but we will be counting down those days until the next weekend!

radio silence

I’m still here. I know it may not look that way, as I have done a really pitiful job of posting lately. But we are all still here, trying to hang on . . .

It’s been rocky. I’ve been overwhelmed with auction work and prepping to start back to teaching. We are still trying to get a handle on this school thing, and the fact that Fletcher has come home sick from school twice already isn’t making things any easier. I mean honestly, sick twice after only 10 days of school?? It could be a very long year at this pace.

So anyway, don’t think I have disappeared. I’m just trying to process things right now, working them out in my head before committing them to “paper” as it were. I’ll be posting again soon I am certain.

In the mean time, here are some adorable photos from Lola Gray’s first day of preschool last week. (Can you believe it took me a whole week to get them up here? This is definitely not like me . . . I haven’t even touched the camera in the last week . . .)

Soooooo happy to be going to school. Until se realized that Blue Bobby wasn’t coming to school with her. After a week she still misses him, but she is doing pretty well without him. My baby girl is growing up!


It is amazing how quickly things have gotten busy, now that school has started! I’m sure we will get the hang of this eventually, but right now the schedule feels pretty hectic. By the time we pick Fletcher up and get home from school, change out of uniforms and have a snack, it is almost 4pm. With kiddos who still need to be in bed at 7pm (and who will need to be woken up at 7:30am to get ready for school) after factoring in homework, bath, and dinner there just isn’t a lot of time left in the day for PLAY. 

We did manage to make it to the park twice last week, and were supposed to meet a friend there today but . .  . umm . . . I forgot. I worked all morning at a charity thing, then had to rush to get Lola Gray ready for ballet, tried desperately to stay awake while sitting in the hot car waiting for her class to be over, then rushed to get Fletcher (cursing the carpool line the whole time), then home and . . .my brain is fried. 

So how am I going to balance all of this? My first plan of action is to make meals ahead of time whenever possible – I want to play in the afternoons not stand in front of the stove while the kids sit in front of the television!

The rest we will just play by ear for now I guess. Green Hour has some great suggestions on their post 10 Ways to Get Outside – Even After School Starts. I love the idea of keeping a Moon Journal with Fletcher. If only he could stay up late enough to see the moon . . .

the first week

Fletcher’s first week of school was a good one. It has been an adjustment though. Lola Gray and I miss him like crazy! I really thought she would enjoy the “girl time” but she asks about him constantly. The hours seem to creep along until 3:30, and then whoosh! Bedtime.

We managed to spend a few afternoons at the park, and a few playing with the neighbors, but those hours between school and bed are precious and they pass far too quickly!

On Wednesday night, at least an hour after putting the kids in bed, I was in the shower and Fletcher came into the bathroom and startled me. We both had a good laugh at the way I jumped and screamed, and then I realized he was crying! I asked him what was wrong, and he said “Nothing is wrong. I’m just happy. I love you so much, Mommy.”

Man do I love that kid.

To add to the stress of the first week of school, I have been swamped with work trying to get ready for an upcoming exhibition. I’m pleased with the work I am doing, and I think the exhibition will be a good one, but trying to work from home is tough. There is always someone who needs a snack, someone who wants a snuggle, there are always dishes to be washed and laundry to be folded and emails to be returned . . . . everything seems to take 3 times as long as it should.

I’m so glad for the three day weekend – 2 days off are just not enough! Tonight Raymond and the kids made pizza – there is nothing better than Raymond’s homemade pizza! (OK – there is better pizza in Italy, but we will have to wait until summer for that . . . and this is a pretty darn good substitute!)


Fletcher started kindergarten today!! He had a wonderful day. He said everyone in his class was nice and that they are all a team. Recess was his favorite part of the day, of course. The kids played “Boys vs. Girls” and Fletcher was King of the boys. After school we went to Clary’s for a scoop of ice cream, and then played in the neighbors backyard for a while. The afternoon passed much too quickly – those lazy days of summer are truly gone now I suppose.

Fletcher said he can’t wait for his 2nd day of school, but the day was not as happy for Lola Gray. I thought we had a nice day: coffee with Linette and Atsuko this morning, then shopping after lunch . . . but she missed her brother terribly. She kept coming up to me and saying “Excuse me Mommy, I want my brother now.” She was so happy when we picked him up, but then people started calling on the phone to talk to him about his first day of school and Lola was a little jealous. I know she will be happy when her school starts next week.