Monthly Archives: April 2016

He blinded me with SCIENCE!

I’ll admit to you now, one of the hardest things for me, when Fletcher decided on The STEM Academy at Bartlett as his middle school of choice, was the inevitability of more science fairs in our future. Ugh. The 5th grade science fair was not kind to Fletcher, though I honestly couldn’t understand why because I had thought his project was pretty darn interesting. So clearly, I was missing something. Again, ugh.

But lucky for all of us, STEM has a dedicated research class where students learn the scientific method and how to conduct research. When all was said and done, we felt like Fletcher had pulled together a pretty good project. His title was “Stopping Taylor Swift” and the premise was figuring out which common household materials have the best sound reducing qualities so he didn’t have to listen to his sister’s music. Pretty clever, no?

Apparently, very clever. Because not only did his school select his project to move on to the regional competition at Savannah State University, but at the regional he scored high enough to move on to the state level competition in Athens at the University of Georgia!!

And are you ready for the real kicker? At the Georgia Science & Engineering Fair, our boy spent a very long day standing next to his project while judges circulated and interviewed each student and scored each project, and it seems they liked what they saw and heard – Fletcher not only won Best in Category for Middle School Material Sciences, he also won the Director’s Choice Award!!!

Once again, this kid simply amazes me. I guess he knew what he was doing when he picked the science school over the art school, huh?



Spring Break in Virginia

What a treat to spend almost a week in Virginia over Spring Break! We spent a beautiful day visiting Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello (at Lola Gray’s insistence – she loves visiting historic sites she has learned about in school!) We took the kids to see the church where we got married, and though it was closed and locked so we couldn’t see inside, it was so fun to go back. After finding the church we wandered through the woods and found a little stream full of frogs. Of course we also managed to fit in lots of grandparent and cousin time, though it is never enough.