Daily Archives: April 12, 2010

Be Out There: But not like this

Day 2 of the Be Out There challenge didn’t go exactly as I planned. I planned to post about how we spent an easy day playing outside and doing yard work before heading out to Bonna Bella for a relaxing evening on the water celebrating a friend’s birthday. That was the plan. Instead, we spent the afternoon like this:

Raymond was trimming the ivy on the front of the house when, suddenly, he wasn’t on the ladder any more. He had been standing on the top of an 18ft. ladder, so we are guessing he fell 22ft or more. Blurred vision and nausea had us rushing him to the ER but thankfully he only suffered a concussion and some scrapes and bruises.

It could have been so much worse. He came within inches of his head hitting the stump of a spindly little tree that was sticking out of the ground. I can’t even imagine what damage that little stump could have done. I don’t want to imagine. He was incredibly, unbelievably lucky.

Soooooo . . . . . perhaps today should just be an example of how not to Be Out There. Tomorrow will be a better day.