Daily Archives: April 13, 2010

Be Out There: Day 4, Takin’ a walk

Day 4 of our Be Out There challenge began with Fletcher running a fever and complaining of a sore throat. He convalesced on the pull-out couch in the playroom and watched TV all morning. Of course when Lola Gray came home from preschool she wanted to join him on the sofa bed! I gave up all hope of this being a Be Out There sort of day.

Instead, I baked bread and made strawberry jam from yesterdays harvest.

But this afternoon the fever broke and Fletcher was back to his old self! The weather is beautiful right now, despite the crazy amounts of pollen covering everything, so we headed out for a good old-fashioned walk.

“Can’t we take the car???”

“Ummm . . . .  NO!”

I had an ulterior motive here, I must confess. I’m more than a little worried about Lola Gray’s ability to keep up when we are on our big trip this summer. We are going to be doing a LOT of walking. She needs to start getting used to it now!

And you know what? She did great! She complained a few times, and took a lot of breaks, but all in all I was very proud of her. We walked down to the Feed & Seed and picked up some birdseed for the hens as well as some chives and cucumber seedlings. (I would have bought more plants but was pretty sure asking Lola to carry anything might be pushing it a bit too far!)

Lola is soooooooo her NayNay’s grandchild. She is obsessed with flowers! She spent pretty much the whole time looking at the flower seeds, and really wanted to buy some lavender seeds but mean Mommy that I am, I wouldn’t let her get them. I think instead I will take her to look for a lavender plant on Thursday – it is one of my favorites too!

Be Out There: Day 3, Strawberries!

Normally, I work all day on Mondays. I go into the building at 7:30am and I don’t leave until 7:30pm, and the only interaction I have with nature is through the window. It kinda stinks. (Not my job! I love my job! But I do find myself staring wistfully out the window as the sun is setting wondering how I totally missed the passing of another day . . . ) Today, however, I took a day ‘off.’

Raymond’s little accident yesterday had him a bit off kilter today, and unable to drive, so I took the day off of work to take care of the kiddos. It was a furlough day for the Savannah public schools (don’t even get me started) so this morning we headed out to pick strawberries at the Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens.

When we came home we discovered that our baby chicks had managed to escape!! There they were, happy as clams running around the backyard with the big hens like they did it every day.

I love these little guys! Unlike the other hens who have been wary of us from day one, these girls are pretty comfortable with us. The kids can just walk up and pick them up. Chickorita even comes running towards us whenever she sees us!

Oh – we also found this cute little fuzzy caterpillar . . .

And got some new shoes . . .

And had a lot of fun playing with my new Hipstamatic app for the iPhone!

The day ended with my sweet boy feeling a bit puny, though, and running a low-grade fever. Looks like he will be staying home from school tomorrow . . .